What is your most valuable resource?

by | 12 May, 2023


When we think about abundance, economy and business, we often do it applying the concept of resources. Within this thought process, we often understand resources as something physical (money, people or other assets) that can be accessed by us or by an organization to create abundance and which are necessary to create such abundance. 20 years ago, I used to think along these lines. Lacking capital or large savings (the largest possible resource for me at the time), I considered my intelligence, my rational thinking to be my most valuable resource. Today, I can see that my view was based on several assumptions. That resources are something external to us, that they are mostly physical, that we lack (or have scarcity of) them and that it is difficult to acquire new ones. But isn’t it so?

Resources are inside you

In metaphysics the archetype of “resource” has a much broader meaning. Resource is then a useful or valuable possession or quality. It is something we have or have access to, whether physical or not, which is useful.

Following some of the principles of metaphysics introduced in other articles, all resources originate then in non physical planes. The physical resources that we see in our reality would then be a reflection of inner resources that a person has inside him. I chose the name of this blog “value is inside you” with the purpose of communicating this concept. That all abundance and resources originate inside and not outside us. And that all the value that we can provide to others is inside us. 

While reading this concept you may say: well, what about very wealthy people, they have a lot of resources. Well, according to metaphysics there is something inside those individuals that attracts and manifests such wealth in their lives. Without their inner structure, such wealth could not continue to exist in their lives. The same principle can be replicated in any person. The potential to manifest such wealth is inside of all us, inside our ability to change our inside to the point of attracting such wealth in our reality. So, wealth itself is not the resource. Something else inside us is the true resource. And those true resources can be developed.  

Discovering your valuable resources

Once you accept the concept that resources are inside us and that by changing our inside we can change our physical reality, it becomes easier to accept the idea that, maybe, resources are not scarce. If each single person can find and develop resources inside them that would have an effect on his reality, are then resources really scarce?

In my life I have moved through several stages in discovering my valuable resources.  Through the years, I realized that I had a pretty good ability of self-learning, of learning by myself, that allowed me to do well in different types of jobs, despite lacking previous experience in such job. So, at a certain point of my life, this became my idea of my most valuable resource. Why? Because I associated this ability with generating my abundance flow.

My life also led me through complex situations in the area of abundance, where the way out was by emerging back from the ashes. So, I learnt how to bounce back from those events, by learning how to transform myself. Based on these experiences, I considered the ability to recover from complex situations to be my most valuable resource. Why again? Because I realized that through it, I could get back to a status of generating abundance flow. That no matter what happened to my abundance flow, I had the ability of restarting it.

Are these two resources scarce? Well, not really. These capabilities remain there and I can tap into them if I need them. Rather the opposite, through experience and practice, they have become stronger over the years. They have changed my inside, to the point of serving to attract abundance.

So, if you look inside you, what does your intuition tell you? Which internal valuable resources come to your mind? Try asking yourself these questions. We all have capabilities inside us -whether these two or some other ones- that can be useful in generating abundance.

My intention with today’s article was to help transforming beliefs of scarcity, so that you can open up for internal abundance. If you do believe in scarcity, this is what your reality will show you. What do you choose to believe?

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