Understanding business and economy through methaphysics

by | 4 Apr, 2023


The core concept of this blog is that abundance is inside us, human beings. That each one of us has by nature value and abundance inside, and that by reconnecting with it, we can improve our abundance flow in our jobs, business or organizations. Why is that? Well the principle of fractality states that matter (and the universe) are fractal; i.e. fractals are present in nature, living beings and also in the human body. Fractals are per definition infinite (i.e. when viewing an image of a fractal, every time that you zoom in, you would see new details), so by having fractals inside our body, we have the infinite inside us; i.e. we effectively have the abundance of the universe inside us. Furthermore, this same fractality connects us with the infinite and abundance of the universe (this is nothing else that the principle “like it is inside us, is outside us” present in some Asian traditions).

While reading this, you could say, if abundance is inside human beings, why do we have poverty in our societies? Because we are disconnected from our inner abundance, and we have learnt that abundance comes from the outside world and not from inside us, and that it only comes from the physical plane that we can touch. By looking outside instead of inside us, and by looking only to the material world, we miss the true source of abundance.

With this blog, I intend to give tools to the readers to reconnect with their inner abundance flow, so that they can improve abundance in their jobs, business or organizations. In doing so, I would share my experience and knowledge of working many years with methaphysics, and contrast it with my experience of being an economist who has worked in multinational companies and has studied management and finance.

Introducing some metaphysical concepts

The knowledge of this blog will be based on the principles of methaphysics. One of the key principles of metaphysics is that nothing that happens in the physical plane (i.e. the one we can touch) originates in the physical plane itself, but rather originates in a higher plane of existence and then falls into lower planes until it manifests in our physical reality. Applying this principle, the abundance flow that a person, a company or an organization experiments does not originate in the physical plane, but originates in a higher plane. Therefore, the flow of abundance that we experiment, depends on variables that are not physical, or in the non physical component of something physical.  

Some of you may say, well, that’s not very helpful, because I cannot interact with such non physical planes. Well, the truth is that it is possible to interact with such planes, in fact, we do it regularly unconsciously without being aware of it. So, for example, with our thoughts and beliefs, we are continuously interacting with the mental plane. Though we are not aware of the impact that those thoughts and beliefs are having in our physical reality.

This brings me to a second metaphysics principle that I want to bring over. We can consciously interact with the non physical planes to influence or create an outcome in the physical plane. This is done through the application of the consciousness and energy aspects of matter to a specific situation or area. What does this mean? Creating consciousness means generating knowledge about what in the non physical plane is affecting my physical reality. Once the knowledge is there (and only after this knowledge is there) applying energy to the plane which is affecting my physical reality, creates a change wave of the situation that starts falling until it reaches the physical plane, and the physical situation changes. This process works the same way for changing the abundance flow.  Mmy intention with this blog is to bring practical tools that allow the readers to interact with those planes to influence or change their abundance flow by working with these principles.     

The archetype of abundance

Finally, metaphysics also state that reality manifests itself through so called “archetypes”. What are archetypes? Archetypes are patterns, generic concepts that can vary a great deal in detail without losing their basic pattern. A given archetype can manifests itself in the physical world in multiple different situations that belong to the same archetype. This is so, because a manifestation wave in the higher planes carries the information of an archetype, and it is when it falls into the physical plane, that without losing its basic pattern (i.e. its core concept), manifests in multiple situations that still carry such core concept.

In practice, every situation that we experience in life is a manifestation of at least one archetype, sometimes of a few at the same time. Knowing the archetype that is behind a given situation, creates consciousness about what is affecting such situation in the higher planes (i.e. about what is the essence of the situation). Doing so increases the consciousness aspect explained above. Why does this affect abundance? Well, abundance is one archetype that, as all archetypes, can manifest in many different physical forms and situations (being it money, resources, a job, access to something or someone we need, etc).  So, by working with the abundance archetype, we can actually influence quite a lot of things in our lives and in organizations.

So, what is the archetype definition of abundance? Abundance is getting what you need, when you need it. We can derive some basic knowledge from this definition. First, abundance is a flow, it is not a static state, and as all flows can change from time to time. Second, abundance is getting something we need, and that something can be very broad (e.g. abundance also reaches to obtaining non physical things, if you need them). And third, there is a timing involved, we get it when we need, not before but also not later.

These methaphysics principles and others that I will bring overtime, constitute the basis of the knowledge and tools that I will develop in this blog. My intention is to do it in an understandable manner, so that even if you do not agree with what you read, it is clear for you how to use it, if you wanted to.

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