Transforming abundance situations

by | 9 Jun, 2023

Free stock photo of abundance, agriculture, bluebonnets

After introducing some building blocks concepts on the previous articles, today I will focus on integrating them with the view to give a practical application on transforming abundance situations. We already covered the meaning of the metaphysical archetype of abundance and how this archetype embodies (among other elements) the economic activities of our society at individual and collective level. Therefore, this is the archetype that we need to work with at metaphysical level to have an impact on the economic activities where we are involved.

Reaching a higher consciousness level on our abundance situation

The situations where experience lack of abundance on any form are, from a metaphysical point of view, individual lessons to be transformed and in doing so, transcend those situations and advance from a higher level of consciousness. This higher level of consciousness is reached every time we identify the lessons that are behind such lack of abundance situations, and once we have learnt them. Once a lesson is completed, its information gets integrated within ourselves and automatically influences our reality, without the need to do anything else.

How can you identify such lessons? Intuition is a big help. Looking at the lack of abundance situations that you are experiencing and listening to yourself. Ask yourself: what is there for me to learn? What is this situation trying to tell me? What is this situation trying to teach me?

I find automatic writing a good tool to identify the answers to these questions. If you are not familiar with automatic writing, it is an easy tool that anyone can use. All you need is a pen and a piece of paper. Write in the paper the above questions in third person: i.e. What is for Richard to learn in this situation? And write anything that comes into your mind, without judging or evaluating what you are writing. Just repeat the process and keep writing all that comes to your mind until nothing more comes. Once you are finished, read what you have written and see whether it resonates and makes sense for you. What is important in using this tool is to ask the questions in third person, as this helps to disactivate internal judging filters, and to keep writing without evaluating the content until you are finished.

Once we have identified and understood the lesson(s) that are behind the given abundance situation, we have already started to increase our consciousness level about the situation. Learning the lesson increases the consciousness level much further. With this, we are applying the first ingredient of the consciousness and energy combination.  By applying these two elements to a specific abundance situation, it is possible to transform such situation easily and rapidly. The combination of applying both elements has an impact on the events on the physical plane. This is according to the metaphysical principle that events on our physical reality originate on higher non-physical planes, which then fall and materialize in the physical plane that we see. The application of consciousness (i.e. knowledge) and energy alters the structure of the particles that form a situation, because such particles are themselves composed of consciousness and energy. And once the particles are changed, that inherently transforms the nature of the situation.  

The application of energy

The second ingredient in our equation is energy. We already covered several tools to apply energy to a situation. Some of those tools may be more relevant than others in a specific abundance situation. For example, believing in what you are saying, may not be relevant on a particular situation or maybe it is something that you are already doing.

One tool that is relevant and can be used pretty much in any situation to apply energy is forgiveness. Forgiveness is a very powerful tool in metaphysics. Why? Because every time that there is something that can be forgiven, there is energy trapped on what can be forgiven. This trapped energy is also the reason why we often experience difficulties to forgive. Through forgiveness, this energy is freed and once released, through our intention, gets chanelled and applied to the situation.

So, what is in an abundance situation to forgive? Well, look at yourself. Does the situation raise any uncomfortable feelings, thoughts or emotions on you? If the answer is yes, congratulations, you have identified something you can forgive in this situation. You can also forgive any person involved in the situation towards whom you experience uncomfortable emotions. Finally, you can forgive yourself for experiencing such situation, for not accepting it (if this was the case) and for not having learnt what could have been learnt in the situation. So, you see, there is quite some potential to free up energy on most situations. Through your intention and by using forgiveness, this energy can be applied to transform the situation.

For those readers that do not know how or find difficult practicing forgiveness, there is a simple technique that you can use. Just say in loud voice to yourself the following text a couple of times in relation to what you want to forgive. “To feeling and experimenting emotion X, please forgive me, I forgive you, I forgive myself”. As long as you do really want to forgive, this simple tool will work and release the trapped energy.  

The role of faith and confidence

Faith and confidence provide the final support for the abundance transformation process to work. These are faith and confidence in that the situation will be transformed into one of higher abundance. Without this faith and confidence, the process cannot work. I already wrote on how faith moves the reality from one photogram to another one more favourable to us. Faith on a positive outcome combined with the above described process of applying consciousness and energy is a very powerful combination. On the other hand, the total lack of such faith or confidence blocks the transformation process. In such cases, the change wave coming from the higher planes generated through the application of consciousness and energy gets diverted and cannot solidify on the physical plane as a transformation of the situation.

If you lack such faith, how can you develop it? Well, ask yourself: what is it that leads to you not to have faith on a positive outcome? Very often, these are beliefs or memories of previous negative experiences. Try to identify them. Once you have, try to rebate intellectually those beliefs to yourself. Talk to you in third person, rebating those beliefs to yourself with valid arguments until those beliefs are no longer there. Memories of previous negative experiences can be quite sticky. If this is the case, use forgiveness to release them with the technique explained above.

A process open to anyone

Some readers may think that this abundance transformation process to change their economic activities is not accessible to them, because of lack of experience, a specific skill or talent. Quite the contrary. This process is accessible to anyone who welcomes it, believes on it and is open to it. The previous articles in the blog and this one give you the knowledge needed for this process to work. Because the content in the articles increases your level of consciousness about the mechanics of such process to the level needed to make it work. Now, you only need to try it.

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