The importance of trust and faith in generating abundance

by | 13 Apr, 2023

trust, faith. abundance, success

Trust and faith are important elements in generating and attracting abundance. These are quite important concepts to understand in order to use them.

Let’s start by defining them. What do we mean by trust and faith? Trust is confidence. That is the belief or conviction that an outcome will be favourable, the belief in the effectiveness of one’s own abilities or self-confidence. Faith is a specifically firm belief based upon confidence, or the assent of the mind to the truth of a proposition, a statement or an outcome for which there is not complete evidence.

So, looking at the definitions we can extract some first conclusions:

  • Both trust and faith are beliefs, convictions. They are not something tangible, but rather immaterial.
  • Trust and faith can only happen in the lack of evidence or of complete evidence. If there is complete evidence of something, then there cannot be trust and faith, because there is full knowledge about that something.So, both trust and faith relate to the unknown.
  • Faith is a stronger belief status than confidence. To have faith, you need confidence. On the other hand, you do not need faith, to have confidence.

There a lot of self-help books stating the importance of trust and self-confidence in steering your life. They are equally important in generating and reinforcing your abundance flow. By why are trust and faith important?

We live in a multidimensional reality

Metaphysics explain that the reality that we live is multidimensional. One of the aspects of such multidimensionality is that multiple versions of the same event are created before the event takes place and is manifested. To understand this, think of reality, the succession of events that happen, as photograms in a movie. For each photogram, there are multiple versions of such photogram with different content waiting to be manifested. So, for example, if you were planning to visit a client today, there are multiple versions of such event waiting to be manifested. One could be, where the visit to the client is very successful, another one where the visit is not successful, and another where, for example, the client is sick and the meeting does not take place.

So, how is the content of such photograms created? I will leave for another article the manifestation of events that happen to a group or an organization where the mechanics are different. We talked in previous articles that your reality reflects your inside. Thus, at individual level it is your inside that the determines the content of all the different versions of a given photogram that are possible to manifest. Or expressed differently, only what it is inside you can manifest in your reality. If it is not inside you, it cannot generate a photogram with such content and it cannot appear in your reality. For this reason, much of the content of this blog is targeted to change that inside, so that the potential range of photograms that can manifest is more favourable to your abundance generation.

From the whole range of alternatives, which particular photograms then gets manifested? And who chooses it? This is done by an unconscious automatic process managed by our psyche. While the choice of a particular photogram or outcome it is the result of many variables, it can be in generic terms expressed as the result of the level of consciousness and energy applied to each potential outcome. The photogram with the highest level of consciousness and energy applied to it, is the one that gets manifested.

There are many ways in metaphysics to increase the level of consciousness of a given outcome or photogram Some simple and powerful ones can be done by choosing the outcome consciously, putting the intention in such outcome (opposed to making decisions in automatic mode), by putting consciousness and clarity in our intentions (the purpose) behind this outcome, and by understanding which learning and experiences such outcome can bring you. 

In increasing the energy content of a potential outcome is where trust and faith come into play. Trust and faith on a given outcome act as magnets to such outcome getting manifested, because they significantly increase the amount of energy of the photogram with such outcome.

While the level of consciousness applied to a photogram can only be increased, the level of energy applied to it can be increased but also decreased. This is done through our emotions. The opposite feelings of trust and faith (e.g. doubts, fears, etc) reduce the amount of energy present it a photogram with a favourable outcome. Therefore, it does pay off to feel confident and have faith in favourable outcomes of our abundance flow.

How to improve your trust and faith

Increasing your trust and faith starts by understanding that trust and faith can only come from your inside and not from the outside world. Ask yourself the questions: are you conditioning your trust and faith to what is happening in your outside reality? Is your self-confidence influenced by external events (regardless of whether the events are positive or negative)?

If this is the case, you are handing your personal power over your trust and faith to the outside world. It is the outside world who is driving them, not you. Therefore, this is the first thing you need to change. A good way of doing so is by forgiving yourself. I will talk in a later article about emotions and the purpose of emotions in metaphysics. For today, let’s stay with the concept that forgiveness is an emotion with a positive charge and that has the power to break connections inside you that do not support your evolution.

As I often mention, in metaphysics everything that happens has a higher purpose. So, before forgiving it, try to understand what was the purpose of handing your power over your trust and faith to the outside world. Look inside you; which personal learnings was this situation facilitating?  In my case, it was learning to be optimistic and have a positive attitude in life. Understanding your own learnings will increase the consciousness aspect over your own trust and faith and will reinforce them.

In case you do not know how to forgive yourself for conditioning your trust and faith to external events, you can do it as follows. Repeat several times in loud voice that you ask for forgiveness for it, that you forgive it and that you forgive yourself for it. Say also thank you for the learnings that this has brought you. By doing so, you will have changed your inside on these two emotions.

Finally, practice having trust and faith throughout your day, choose consciously to have trust and faith in you and in favourable outcomes in your abundance flow. It does pay off.

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